Saturday 9 July 2016



In the last few weeks, several fish farmers have asked for my personal view on these two systems.
The main reason being the supposed complexity of the recirculatory Aquaculture system and the acclaimed simplicity of the flow- through system of aquaculture.

As much as possible, I wish to do away with any technicalities of the recirculatory system of aquaculture; and I will rather focus on the reason why some farmers have adopted the system and also prefer it to the flow-through system.
The average fish farmer knows that wisdom in fish farming does not come overnight, it is acquired.
And acquiring this wisdom takes patience and broad carpet consultation.
Wisdom is like a baobab tree, no single individual can embrace it.

I wish to encourage fish farmers to consider the long term and put designs and structures in place that will bring the best out of every invested money.
There is general assumption that a man learns more when he loses than when he gains. So in running the two systems, what is lost, and what is gained?
What are the variables?

What are the constants!
The constants are the ponds and the fishes. The variables are the various inputs and consumables.
A lot happens to the fishes when the pond water is in constant motion. Ingested feed gets digested quickly and growth is ultimately promoted.
When the two systems are placed side by side, in which system can quick growth be better established? 

Can flow - through water generate enough turbulence that will promote quick growth?
Can water flow in a flow- through system be genuinely constant?
If it is constant, what exactly is the cost and scale of water pumping?
If water is 'renewable ', why allow it to 'waste'?
Experts are saying that the Nigerian economy is actually in a state of depression as against recession that some experts are suggesting. If the economy is in a state of depression, should  'waste ' of any sort be embraced?

During depression, which system can best help the farmer achieve shorter growth cycles?
Flow- through system  or recirculatory Aquaculture system?
Some people are of the opinion that the recirculatory system employs the use of excessive power. How true is this? Doesn't the flow - through system use power too?

Which power is more, the one that helps to get water from the 'water bank', or the one that helps prepare the water for re-use?
A lot of human error could be  made by several systems, aquaculture inclusive. How easy can the flow-through or the recirculatory system help eliminate these errors?

Can the flow- through system handle the rate of water flow the recirculatory system provides?
Although, with rates of water flow, the farmer must also consider rates of disease circulation and spread.
Healthy fishes are prone to infection from unhealthy ones in a recirculatory system than in a flow- through system.
The comparison of the two systems will definitely bring a lot of revelation and knowledge. This is a journey some people have taken before, but most are eager to learn, as always.

The cockroach that wants to rule over the chicken must definitely engage the services of the foxes as bodyguards. Of these two systems, which is the chicken, which is the cockroach?
The discussion is just starting, please come along..........

Written by fishmaster
Fast Agriculture Store

1 comment:

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